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Kops Installation Guide

Kops is a popular installer for production grade Kubernetes clusters. Please start here to get an overview of installation steps. This document only shows distinctions during Kops setup of guard.

During Initialize PKI

For creation of guard server config you need a free cluster ip. There is an easy trick which helps to find it in most cases: Just find out your nonMasqueradeCIDR through kops edit cluster --name <cluster_name> and then add x.x.10.96 to this range e.g. if it is use

If this does not work for some unknown reason, you have to describe one of your kube-api-server pods in kube-system namespace and find out service-cluster-ip-range. In this range you can use any ip which is not already assigned. You can show all ips through this command:

kubectl get svc --all-namespaces|grep ClusterIP |awk \'{print $4}\'|sort
guard init server --ips=

During Deploy Guard server

Before you apply your guard config with kubectl apply -f verify installer.yaml (spec/clusterIP: is filled with rigth ip address.

During Configure Kubernetes API Server

To configure your api server to use --authentication-token-webhook-config-file you need to edit your kops cluster spec: kops edit cluster --name <cluster_name>. There you add the following specifications:

    authenticationTokenWebhookConfigFile: /srv/kubernetes/webhook-guard-config
  - content: |
       (OUTPUT of: guard get webhook-config your-github-org -o github --addr=       
    name: guard-github-auth
    path: /srv/kubernetes/webhook-guard-config
    - Master

After you saved your config, you have to exchange your k8s master nodes. If you have a three master HA cluster, i recommend that you exchange one server with command: kops rolling-update cluster <cluster_name> --instance-group master-eu-west-1a --yes. Now theoretically every third request could work after your master node is online again. If the node does not join your cluster or things do not work, ssh to this master node and verify kubernetes api server logs in /var/log/. If some requests are working, exchange the other master nodes. This keeps your cluster working all the time.

This document only shows difference between kops setup and here.