LDAP Authenticator

Guard installation guide can be found here. To use LDAP, create a client cert with Organization set to Ldap. For LDAP CommonName is optional. To ease this process, use the Guard cli to issue a client cert/key pair.

# If CommonName is not provided, then default CommonName `ldap` is used
$ guard init client [CommonName] -o Ldap

Deploy Guard Server

To generate installer YAMLs for guard server you can use the following command.

# generate Kubernetes YAMLs for deploying guard server
$  guard get installer \
        --auth-providers="ldap" \
        --ldap.server-address=<server_address> \
        --ldap.server-port=<server_port> \
        --ldap.bind-dn=<bind_dn> \
        --ldap.bind-password=<bind_password> \
        --ldap.user-search-dn=<user_search_dn> \
        --ldap.user-search-filter=<user_search_filter> \
        --ldap.user-attribute=<user_attribute> \
        --ldap.group-search-dn=<group_search_dn> \
        --ldap.group-search-filter=<group_search_filter> \
        --ldap.group-name-attribute=<group_name_attribute> \
        --ldap.group-member-attribute=<group_member_attribute> \
        --ldap.skip-tls-verification=<true/false> \
        > installer.yaml

$ kubectl apply -f installer.yaml

Additional flags for LDAP:


# If the port is not supplied, then default port `389` is used

# To start tls connection

# For secure LDAP (LDAPS)

# The connector uses bind DN and password as credential to search for users and groups.
# Not required if the LDAP server provides access for anonymous auth.

# BaseDN to start the user search

# Filter to apply when searching user
# If the filter is not supplied, then default filter `(objectClass=person)` is used

# LDAP username attribute
# If the attribute is not supplied, then default attribute `uid` is used

# BaseDN to start the group search

# Filter to apply when searching the group
# If the filter is not supplied, then default filter `(objectClass=groupOfNames)` is used

# LDAP group name attribute
# If the attribute is not supplied, then default attribute `cn` is used

# LDAP group member attribute
# If the attribute is not supplied, then default attribute `member` is used

# To skip LDAP server TLS verification, provide this flag

# Ca cert file that used for self signed LDAP server certificate

# LDAP user authentication mechanism, Simple or Kerberos

# path to the keytab file, it's contain LDAP service principal keys

# service account name, if empty then service principal name from keytab file will be used

Environment variable needed to set for LDAP:

# The connector uses bind DN and password as credential to search for users and groups.
# Not required if the LDAP server provides access for anonymous auth.
$ export LDAP_BIND_DN=<bind_dn>
$ export LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD=<bind_password>

Note: User search filter is applied in this form : (&<user_search_filter>(<user_attribute>=<user_name>)) and group search filter is applied in this form : (&<group_search_filter>(<group_member_attribute>=<user_dn>))

Issue Token

Simple authentication: Use following guard command to get token:

$ guard get token \
    -o ldap \
    --ldap.auth-choice=Simple \
    --ldap.username=<user_name> \

I0330 11:37:12.375526   24687 logs.go:19] FLAG: --alsologtostderr="false"
I0330 11:37:12.376448   24687 logs.go:19] FLAG: --analytics="true"
I0330 11:37:12.376465   24687 logs.go:19] FLAG: --help="false"
I0330 11:37:12.376476   24687 logs.go:19] FLAG: --ldap.auth-choice="Simple"
I0330 11:37:12.376497   24687 logs.go:19] FLAG: --ldap.disable-pa-fx-fast="true"
I0330 11:37:12.376518   24687 logs.go:19] FLAG: --ldap.krb5-config="/etc/krb5.conf"
I0330 11:37:12.376534   24687 logs.go:19] FLAG: --ldap.password=<password>
I0330 11:37:12.376552   24687 logs.go:19] FLAG: --ldap.realm=""
I0330 11:37:12.376582   24687 logs.go:19] FLAG: --ldap.spn=""
I0330 11:37:12.376594   24687 logs.go:19] FLAG: --ldap.username=<user_name>
I0330 11:37:12.376609   24687 logs.go:19] FLAG: --log_backtrace_at=":0"
I0330 11:37:12.376619   24687 logs.go:19] FLAG: --log_dir=""
I0330 11:37:12.376629   24687 logs.go:19] FLAG: --logtostderr="false"
I0330 11:37:12.376638   24687 logs.go:19] FLAG: --organization="ldap"
I0330 11:37:12.376647   24687 logs.go:19] FLAG: --stderrthreshold="0"
I0330 11:37:12.376656   24687 logs.go:19] FLAG: --v="0"
I0330 11:37:12.376666   24687 logs.go:19] FLAG: --vmodule=""
Current Kubeconfig is backed up as /home/ac/.kube/config.bak.2018-03-30T11-37.
Configuration has been written to /home/ac/.kube/config

$ cat ~/.kube/config
- name: <user_name>
    token: <token>

$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces --user <user_name>
NAMESPACE     NAME                               READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kube-system   etcd-minikube                      1/1       Running   0          7h
kube-system   kube-addon-manager-minikube        1/1       Running   0          7h
kube-system   kube-apiserver-minikube            1/1       Running   1          7h
kube-system   kube-controller-manager-minikube   1/1       Running   0          7h
kube-system   kube-dns-6f4fd4bdf-f7csh           3/3       Running   0          7h

Kerberos authentication: Use following guard command to get token:

$ guard get token \
    -o ldap \
    --ldap.auth-choice=Kerberos \
    --ldap.username=<user_name> \
    --ldap.password=<password> \
    --ldap.krb5-config=<path_to_the_krb5_config_file> \
    --ldap.realm=<realm> \
    --ldap.disable-pa-fx-fast=<true/false> \

I0330 11:37:12.375526   24687 logs.go:19] FLAG: --alsologtostderr="false"
I0330 11:37:12.376448   24687 logs.go:19] FLAG: --analytics="true"
I0330 11:37:12.376465   24687 logs.go:19] FLAG: --help="false"
I0330 11:37:12.376476   24687 logs.go:19] FLAG: --ldap.auth-choice="Kerberos"
I0330 11:37:12.376497   24687 logs.go:19] FLAG: --ldap.disable-pa-fx-fast=<true/false>
I0330 11:37:12.376518   24687 logs.go:19] FLAG: --ldap.krb5-config=<path_to_the_krb5_config_file>
I0330 11:37:12.376534   24687 logs.go:19] FLAG: --ldap.password=<password>
I0330 11:37:12.376552   24687 logs.go:19] FLAG: --ldap.realm=<realm>
I0330 11:37:12.376582   24687 logs.go:19] FLAG: --ldap.spn=<service_principle_name>
I0330 11:37:12.376594   24687 logs.go:19] FLAG: --ldap.username=<user_name>
I0330 11:37:12.376609   24687 logs.go:19] FLAG: --log_backtrace_at=":0"
I0330 11:37:12.376619   24687 logs.go:19] FLAG: --log_dir=""
I0330 11:37:12.376629   24687 logs.go:19] FLAG: --logtostderr="false"
I0330 11:37:12.376638   24687 logs.go:19] FLAG: --organization="ldap"
I0330 11:37:12.376647   24687 logs.go:19] FLAG: --stderrthreshold="0"
I0330 11:37:12.376656   24687 logs.go:19] FLAG: --v="0"
I0330 11:37:12.376666   24687 logs.go:19] FLAG: --vmodule=""
Current Kubeconfig is backed up as /home/ac/.kube/config.bak.2018-03-30T11-37.
Configuration has been written to /home/ac/.kube/config

$ cat ~/.kube/config
- name: <user_name>
    token: <token>

$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces --user <user_name>
NAMESPACE     NAME                               READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kube-system   etcd-minikube                      1/1       Running   0          7h
kube-system   kube-addon-manager-minikube        1/1       Running   0          7h
kube-system   kube-apiserver-minikube            1/1       Running   1          7h
kube-system   kube-controller-manager-minikube   1/1       Running   0          7h
kube-system   kube-dns-6f4fd4bdf-f7csh           3/3       Running   0          7h

Flag details for get token:

# LDAP user authentication mechanism
#   - 0 for simple authentication
#   - 1 for kerberos(via GSSAPI)

# Username

# Password

# Path to the kerberos configuration file (default "/etc/krb5.conf")

# Realm, set the realm to empty string to use the default realm from config

# Service principal name

# Disable PA-FX-Fast, Active Directory does not commonly support FAST negotiation
# so you will need to disable this on the client (default true)

How guard generate token for simple authentication

For LDAP, user is authenticated using user DN and password. User DN is collected using <user_name> and <user_attribute>. So, guard use base64 encoded string of <user_name>:<password> as token.
