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Kubespray Installation Guide
Kubespray (originally called Kargo) is a preferred choice for deploying customized production grade Kubernetes clusters, particularly for those who are comfortable with Ansible. Using Kubespray, you can deploy a cluster on GCE, Azure, OpenStack, AWS, or Baremetal, along with a choice of various network plugins.
- This document shows how to configure GitHub as Kubernetes authenticator, the configuration for other authenticators should be similar.
- The document can be followed on a running cluster or before creating a new Kubernetes Cluster.
- All files referenced in this documents are in guard branch of appscode/kubespray repository
Before You Begin
- Guard installed on OS X or Linux
- GitHub Acccount with an organization and team(s)
- GitHub Token with public_repo and read:org access
Guard Setup
Initialize PKI
This command creates a self-signed certificate authority (CA) and a key.
$ guard init ca
$ tree .guard/
└── pki
├── ca.crt
└── ca.key
1 directory, 2 files
Initialize Guard Server
To initialize a Guard server, you just need a free cluster IP. Choose an IP from the IP range while installing Kubernetes Cluster through Kubespray. This can be found in k8s-cluster.yml. We have chosen IP
in this document.
$ guard init server --ips=
$ tree .guard/
└── pki
├── ca.crt
├── ca.key
├── server.crt
└── server.key
1 directory, 4 files
It is possible to use guard server DNS address instead of a cluster IP. Please visit here to learn the steps and its implications.
Initialize Guard Clients
Here, we are using GitHub as a Guard auth provider.
$ guard init client <your_github_org> -o github
$ tree .guard/
└── pki
├── ca.crt
├── ca.key
├── server.crt
├── server.key
├── <your_github_org>@github.crt
└── <your_github_org>@github.key
1 directory, 6 files
Modifications in Kubespray Repository
Clone the Kubespray git repository or the already clones repository which you have used to install Kubernetes Cluster.
Note: All the following files and commands are relative to the root of the git repository. Hyperlinks are also used a lot to make things easier.
- Enable Guard and optionally RBAC policies in k8s-cluster.yml
kube_guard: true
kube_guard_rbac_policies: false
if set totrue
assumes that you have teams namedadmins
in your GitHub Organization. Feel free to edit the files to match your environment. GitHub users inadmins
group get full access to Kubernetes Cluster and users indevelopers
get full access to onlydefault
Ansible role: Include Guard Auth Token File
$ mkdir roles/kubernetes/master/files
$ guard get webhook-config <your_github_org> -o github --addr= > roles/kubernetes/master/files/guard_auth_token_file
Ansible role: Createguard-file.yml
$ curl -sL > roles/kubernetes/master/tasks/guard-file.yml
Ansible role: Importguard-file.yml
as a task in main.yml
- import_tasks: guard-file.yml
when: kube_guard|default(false)
Ansible role: Update Kube API Server Deployment template with Guard Auth Token
{% if kube_guard|default(false) %}
- --authentication-token-webhook-config-file={{ kube_token_dir }}/guard
{% endif %}
Ansible Role: Add an ansible role to configure Guard
This role enables Guard server on Kubernetes Master nodes.
$ mkdir -pv roles/guard-auth-webook/{files,tasks}
Ansible Role: Copy all files and directories from guard-auth-webook role
At the time of writing this document, the structure looks like this.
$ tree roles/guard-auth-webook
├── files
│ ├── cluster-admin-role.yml
│ ├── default-namespace-admin-role.yml
│ └── guard-installer.yml
└── tasks
├── main.yml
├── rbac-guard.yml
└── setup-guard.yml
2 directories, 6 files
Ansible Role: Create Guard Deployment File
$ guard get installer \
--auth-providers=github \
--namespace="kube-system" \
--addr="" > roles/guard-auth-webook/files/guard-installer.yml
The generated file creates these Kubernetes assets packaged in a yaml file
- serviceaccount
- clusterrole
- clusterrolebinding
- deployment
- secret
- service
By default, Guard installer yamls will run it on master instances. Kubespray does not label the master nodes correctly. See this issue for details. You can fix by running the below command.
$ sed -i "s/\/master: \"\"/app: guard/" roles/guard-auth-webook/files/guard-installer.yml
- Add the new Ansible Role
Update cluster.yml with the guard-auth-webook
- hosts: kube-master[0]
- { role: guard-auth-webook, when: kube_guard }
Run Ansible Playbook to update or install Kubernetes Cluster
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts cluster.yml
Add a GitHub User
Add a Github user which is in your organization.
$ kubectl config set-credentials <github-user> --token=<your-github-token>
Check if everything went as desired
- When RBAC policies are disabled.
$ kubectl get pods --user <github-user>
Error from server (Forbidden): pods is forbidden: User "<github-user>" cannot list pods in the namespace "default"
The Forbidden
message here is a good sign, this means you have been authenticated but you do not have proper authorization. Now, you can start creating RBAC policies.
- When RBAC policies are enabled (your output may slightly vary)
$ kubectl --user <github-user> get nodes
kubernetes-master0 Ready master 1d v1.9.5
kubernetes-master1 Ready master 1d v1.9.5
kubernetes-worker0 Ready node 1d v1.9.5
kubernetes-worker1 Ready node 1d v1.9.5
Ensure guard file is present in Kubernetes API Server
$ kubectl -n kube-system exec -it kube-apiserver-kubernetes-lab-master0 -- ls /etc/kubernetes/tokens/guard
$ grep authentication-token-webhook-config-file /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.manifest
- --authentication-token-webhook-config-file=/etc/kubernetes/tokens/guard
Check Logs of API Server
$ kubectl -n kube-system logs kube-apiserver-kubernetes-lab-master0
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If you have found a bug with Guard or want to request for new features, please file an issue.